State Of California Guidelines For Mold Remediation

California has issued some guidelines for what homeowners and renters should do if they discover or suspect they have mold in their residences.

No one with a compromised immune system, a history of respiratory problems or who is sick should participate in any mold remediation.

The source of moisture must be identified and all areas of infested mold should be cleaned. But, cleaning may not be an option if the area is porous or semi-porous. At that point, all areas should be removed.

Mold should not be allowed to touch bare skin. Eyes and lungs should be protected from mold exposure.

Proper containment is necessary.

Residents who do undertake clean-up are encouraged to work over short periods of time and take plenty of breaks to get some fresh air.

Keep in mind that we feel these guidelines to be very conservative in nature. By conservative, we mean that MORE caution should be undertaken than the guidelines provide. We recommend that tenants never clean mold themselves especially after they have been sick. We also advise clients that bleach will ONLY be effective on non-porous surfaces not wood and drywall. Regardless, always contact your landlord when you first suspect mold in your unit.